domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

In Mexico people believe ANONYMOUS threats to the ZETAS (Videos in English and Spanish)

Anonymous Video Threatening the Zetas in English

John Reed

REPORTING FROM MEXICO:  Although the reactions are mixed whether the "Anonymous Video" threatening the Zetas is real or a fake - in Mexico there are no doubts concerning its veracity.  The video states that the Zetas kidnapped a member of Anonymous, so they give the criminal organization until November 5th to release their member or face the consequences.  Any nation, organization or group that is willing to stand up against any form of organized crimes is very much welcomed by the Mexican people.
Anonymous threatens to release the names, pictures, addresses and connections that cab drivers (serving as lookouts for the Zetas), jounalists (that write articles for the Zetas), businesses operated by the organization as well as a list of its members if their member is not release unharmed.

The video we are posting above is in English and although it is a translation its harshness is lost in the translation; in Spanish the video is direct and with several curse words.  Personally, I played the video to about 20 people and each one of them welcomed Anonymous desire to get into the fight with the Zetas. 

I provide the video in Spanish for those that understand the language.

Anonymous Threatening the Zetas in Spanish

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